When dealing with a legal issue, you need expert assistance that will also keep in mind your particular situation and your interests. At times, such assistance can only be provided by adding a fair amount of common sense and a search for the best possible solutions that will avoid costly proceedings with little results.
Peter Balogh is such person capable of identifying the scope of the problems and the potentially best solutions. Beyond his legal expertise and vast experience, there is a genuine desire to fight on your behalf and push the matter as far as it is practical and rewarding for his clients. My experience with Peter has given me hope that not all attorneys are senseless sharks who can keep on charging their clients exorbitant fees regardless of the results and not paying attention to the financial limitation of such clients.
With Peter Balogh, I had one of my first pleasant experiences with an attorney who knew when and how to push against the other party, and when to suggest a common sense solution that would achieve the best results for me under specific circumstances. I hope that more attorneys are joining the path of Peter in providing quality legal assistance for a fair compensation and positive results.
Should I have a need for legal assistance in the future, I know who I will call to provide the expertise and common sense to handle my case: Peter Balogh.